According to the text, which three countries have elected women to lead them?Ans: CQ2. What is the story mostly about? Ans: AQ6. This text describes wind power in two different times. The author writes that water is so important that many people fear if it continues to become scarcer, wars may be fought over water in the future! Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Ans: until (Please note that there may be more than one acceptable response.)Q8. Describe the process of machine learning. Students may explain that there might be a shortage of water in the future since most of the worlds water is contained in oceans, and this water is not currently drinkable. Use examples from the text in your answer. Ans: The roots of strangler figs wrap around the trunks of their host trees absorbing nutrients that would have entered the roots of the host tree. Why is it basically necessary to own a car in Los Angeles?.. How do you think the author would describe the future of AI? Ans: BQ5. What does the author list in the section titled Testing, Testing, 1, 2. Read these sentences about percussion instruments:Boom! As used in this sentence, what does the word habitable mean? Ans: BQ7. This paragraph describes veterans as the brave men and women who serve and protect the U.S. According to the paragraph, who are these brave men and women? Students will likely wish to share information about what Veterans Day is. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: DQ8. The typical human reaction time is about second. The dean even bowed to Elizabeth when presenting her diploma. What was one effect of this anti-immigration sentiment? Ans: CQ3. Learn how to speed up your document workflows with secure and intuitive eSignatures. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Southern Christian Leadership Council responded to fierce resistance to the registration of black voters by organizing a march from Selma to Montgomery. Peer pressure can be a bad thing; _, it can also be a good thing. Ans: BQ8. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. These worksheets will flex your students brain muscles with the exploration of the reptile population. Ans: Answers may vary slightly but should be supported by the text. Ans: BQ3. Q1. Wetlands serve important purposes for humans. If you exercise your muscles and stay active, you will lose them and not be able to find them. The author describes his life in positive terms. Read this sentence about James Madison: James Madison is also remembered as the Father of the ConstitutionWhat does this tell us about who wrote the Constitution? Ans: AQ4. The original ones were about the size of an adults fingernail, and now they cannot be seen by the naked eye.Q9. Based on the text, what two groups of people have faced inequality in education? Ans: Female students and minority students have faced inequality in education.Q5. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: Abraham retained the graceful movements of a practiced dancer, and the female elephants liked this. It shows us that we can achieve amazing things when we work together. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. What might happen if a jeweler did not have this knowledge? Read this stanza from the poem: Which of the following describes the relationship between these lines? This contributed to the anti-immigration sentiment marking this time period. Q1. Try Now! Describe the dangers to a womans health that were associated with foot binding Ans: Health dangers included: gangrene, ulcerations, infections from ingrown toenails or lack of circulation, loss of toes, and possibly death.Q9. What evidence from the text supports this statement? Ans: DQ5. Support your answer with evidence from the story. Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they are supported by the story. Class Discussion Question: Where does Vernica get the idea to put Bombns favorite treat by the hole in the wall? Ans: She gets this idea from her own memory of moving into this apartment. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C, Q1. In China, having bound feet was a marker of wealth and status. He learns how scientists can predict the movement of planets and moons. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Read these sentences from the text. Based on the passage, what do scientists from around the world agree on? Ans: Scientists from around the world agree that they need to reduce the amount of new space junk. Even so, the quality of his leadership attracted the attention of friends and foes.. Ans: Kyle is enjoying his new life in northern California.Q4. Close Is college worth it commonlit answer key A dangerous game readworks answers. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Ans: Students should recognize that the strongest way to separate the poem into four parts would be to insert breaks after lines 4, 8, and 12. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: DQ6. Step 1: google, (your assignment name) ReadWorks Answer jetStep 2: look for the one that says PDFStep 3: click it and scroll to the bottom of the pageStep 4:. Percussion instruments can be very loud and powerful, or they can be very delicate and nuanced. What evidence from the passage supports this idea? Ans: AQ4. ReadWorks Answers Key - All Grades Unlocked As mentioned, you are free to see the quiz answers that we revealed below. Why do kinkajous need excellent balance? Ans: Kinkajous need excellent balance in order to stay safe as they look for food in trees.Q9. What evidence in the text supports this conclusion? To avoid hurting your muscles, warm them up before exercising, says David Waymann, What is the main idea of the text? Ans: DQ6. Students may also note that this is a negative thing because groups may be more inclined to attack other groups that do not have the same norms or values, which may or may not be right.Conversely, students may argue that a group fighting a common enemy is a positive thing because the members of a group are united behind one goal or cause and show their dedication to the groups norms or values. Ans: A. Q1. What might help each of the leaders solve her countrys economic problems? These are three different images that express the same idea that the speaker is nearing the end of his or her days. Read the following sentences: Why does the author compare testing a computer program and dragging buckets of sand onto an old bridge? As used in the text, what does the phrase general direction mean? At first, the discovery puzzled Pedersen. What does the text describe? Ans: BQ3. Humans have invented many tools that allow us to access a wider portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ans: AQ2. Ans: BQ4. Read these sentences from the text: How could the second sentence best be rewritten? Ans: AQ8. For instance: Peoples feelings about Elizabeth becoming a doctor might have changed because people recognized her intelligence and ability. Support your answer using information from the passage.Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. How many military veterans are there in the United States? Ans: Suggested answer: There are approximately 23.2 million military veterans in the United States.Q9. Q1. Create your website today. The question below is an incomplete sentence. What is a way that the author asks the reader to analyze the list of apple types? Ans: CQ3. What does the main character use to break the bridge? Ans: The main character uses a few bicycles, some rope, and a lot of buckets to break the bridge.Q9. Read this sentence from the text. In the sentence, what does the word function mean? Ans: DQ7. As used in the text, what does the word affluent mean? Q1. [Grady Maxwell] has grown in my mind over the years, and so too has his importance to my story Ans: Based on this information, the narrator has spent her time over the years thinking about Maxwell and how the narrator thinks Maxwell cost her her job. Why might a person sending an email like this say they cant transfer money out of the country? Read these sentences from the text. What happens every year on February 2nd across America? Ans: BQ2. What trick do Raya and Letitia play on their parents? Ans: BQ4. Which of the following conclusions about rocks is supported by the passage? Ans: DQ4. Strangler figs branches and leaves block sunlight from the host tree. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. For example, students may explain that in 2007, the Chinese tried to blow up one of its satellites with a missile. Ans: Answers may vary. Move Your Muscles Readworks Answer Key | NEW. What evidence supports this? Ans: CQ4. What is the main idea of this article? Ans: BQ6. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: BQ6. This platform is a very great one and has large website traffic present on it. 5 Key Moves To Make, Why Answering "I Don't Know" More Often Might Be Your Key To Success |, Answer These Key Questions To Improve Your Virtual Meeting |, Three Key Points Start-ups Should Consider To Move Forward, To Move The Needle For Your Company, Find Your Key Number | As used in the text, what does the word lingering mean? Some teens choose not to participate in a trial _ theyre already exhausted from treatment after treatment and dont want to go through more.. Ans: BQ8. According to the passage, what are televisions, radios, and night-vision goggles all examples of? Ans: According to the passage, they are all examples of technology that gives us superhuman access to wave frequencies further toward the ends of the spectrum.Q10. A a 911 operator Questions: Flying Blind Date: B a helicopter pilot hired by Air Medical C a .. ReadWorks In London Town It was a bird of para. Ans: AQ7. What can be concluded based on this information? Ans: AQ4. What does the author describe in the passage? Ans: BQ3. After, he thinks that Stevie Wonders performance was very exciting, and he finds connections between Wonders music and the modern hip-hop music he likes.Q10. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: Q1. Who are the two characters looking for Bombn in this story? Ans: CQ3. In the text, the author describes kinkajous tails and how they use them. What does the text describe? Ans: AQ3. The space mission with robots would collect pieces of space trash and bring them back to Earth so that they can be safely destroyed. Additionally, smaller transistors could change housework because they could eat dust and clean things efficiently. [paragraphs 1, 2]Q2. __ African American men were given the right to vote by the 15th Amendment, various discriminatory practices still prevented them from exercising this right. Ans: AQ8. 4750. And Abraham was able to find food in places none of the other elephants had ever thought to look. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made about what Hadar Ahuvia thinks about Martha Grahams quote? Ans: BQ5. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C. Q1. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Q1. Use information from the story to support your answer. Support your answer with details from the text. What is the main idea of this text? Why might the author have included the part of the story about the day Philip broke his arm and the conversation the two brothers had? Ans: DQ7. Scientists used AI to analyze coronavirus research trends, _ the algorithms used were not built for that specific purpose. Ans: CQ8. What is a magnetic field? Ans: CQ2. Read the following sentences: What does the author mean by calling plantations the backbone of the Southern economy? Where did the Pilgrims land when they came to North America?Ans: DQ2. His leadership of Indian forces against the U.S. in the War of 1812 ended in a retreat. What did Madison love to learn about as a child? Ans: When Madison was a child, he loved to learn about math, geography, and languages.Q6. 1. Ans: A, Q1. When the muscles make IL-6, it reduces inflammation. Read this sentence from the text. EPUB or MOBI for Free All About this PDF File readworks answer key - Bing Created Date: 11/8/2014 11:59:20 PM Readworks reading 15-09-2016 1/2 Stemscopes Answer Key Science . What evidence from the text best supports this conclusion? Why did the Protestant Separatists, or Saints, decide to move to the New World? Ans: They decided to move to the new world in order to establish a place where they could practice their religion without government interference or worldly distraction, as they had encountered in England and Holland.Q10. Q1. Building Vocabulary Skills, Short Version Sherrie Nist-Olejnik 2002-01-01 Reading for Comprehension Continental Press 2006-01 How do crocodiles clean their. from your brain to your arm muscles, making them move. Q1. Would you rather have it rely on a basic algorithm with a human supervisor, or on a program that uses machine learning? Why does the author suggest that Los Angeles residents experience with years of road closures will pave the way for more support for public transportation expansion and legislation? Imagine your friend just got a pet kinkajou. Students should indicate that slavery was a contentious issue between the North and the South: the North was morally opposed to slavery by the 1850s and did not want to allow pro-slavery states to join the Union, while the South relied on slavery for their economic power. Ans: AQ4. What event caused Bett to think she must have the right to be free? Ans: BQ3. Based on this evidence, what is the meaning of the word authorized in this excerpt? Ans: BQ7. __ the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbade discrimination in voting on the basis of race, efforts to register black voters were still met with fierce resistance Ans: BQ8. Who is Jane Goodall? Ans: AQ2. Kyles mom was offered a job at the wind turbine farm. What does mammoth mean in this context? Ans: AQ7. Q1. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Q1. Students may write that Kinkajous might like to live in a cage or enclosure where they could climb and hang by their tails. The Saints were strict and devoutly religious. With whom does Sam go to baseball games? Ans: DQ2. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. - Mystery Science. Your parent will need to initial this sheet each week. [stanza 2]Q8. What does AI stand for? Ans: DQ2. Which involves more human input, basic algorithms, or machine learning? Which evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: In preparation for Carmageddon, the mayor of Los Angeles urged residents to leave town; billboards were posted up all over the city warning Angelenos about the coming closure; radio statements were made by all the major radio personalities; one airline offered four-dollar plane rides from Los Angeles to Orange County; bike groups sponsored cross-city excursions; helicopter companies offered half-hour long discounted rides to see the construction in action from the air; and local bars and restaurants offered Carmageddon discount specials.Q10. Education in America reflects the values and aspirations of the country. According to Paul McLean, what is the most important drive an artist can have? Ans: According to Paul McLean, the most important drive an artist can have is an unbreakable resolve to make art.Q10. Print Easily print any of our content and curriculum to share with your students. What evidence in the text supports this statement? Ans: AQ4. According to Dianne Fagan, what will happen if you are dehydrated? Ans: Answers should resemble the following. They could repair bigger things too, like bridges, airplane engines, and electrical equipment. Access thousands of high-quality, free . "If you rest your hand on the stove while it's turned on, the pain will alert you to move away. She ends the passage by repeating, See if I care, which indicates that she really does care about losing her job. In the Southern states, slavery was supported because it fueled the economy. If the peer does not respect the decision, the person being pressured would do well to consider whether or not that peer is a friend and perhaps seek out other, more accepting individuals to spend time with. Use information from the text to support your answer. To find the article's answer key, click on the title. So do avail the facilities of this platform and enjoy an experience never found or even felt before by the individuals as well. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made? Ans: AQ4. These materials include iron and nickel. What does the phrase Deaths second self refer to? Ans: AQ8. The continents werent always spread apart. __, Matt spent several years as a full-time photographer.. Ans: BQ8. What is hydrology? Ans: CQ2. So, it is blended with other metals to hold up to the daily wear-and-tear experienced by jewelry.Q10. Q1. Based on the text, what can you conclude about Louis Armstrongs talents? Ans: AQ5. The passage states that high school was far from easy for the Little Rock Nine. Who are Raya and Letitia? Source: Readworks org teacher guide and answer key: Source: They thought and told her that women could not handle the rigors of medical school and being a doctor. Imagine you were building a robot that could perform surgery on its own. Give at least one example from the text to support your answer Ans: Joseph helps Philip by comforting him and reassuring him. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. Ans: BQ3. Students may explain that a group fighting a common enemy is a negative thing because the members of the group may need to engage in dangerous behavior to protect the group against an enemy that has different norms or values. What is tempo? Ans: CQ2. What is erosion? As used in the passage, what does the word inefficient mean? Ans: AQ7. Ans: Answers may vary. Read the following sentences from the text: Based on this information, why was a set of trade routes connecting China and the West called the Silk Road? Ans: CQ4. Why is it difficult to track pieces of debris in space? Ans: Tracking pieces of debris in space is difficult because working satellites and debris move very fast and in different directions.Q3. We also now use wind power to generate a great deal, which helps homes and businesses all across the land. Ans: Answers may vary but should discuss the effect of weathering and erosion on the rocks. What did DeAndre Arnolds school threaten to do if he didnt cut his hair? Ans: BQ2. When Joseph tells Philip he plans to leave town someday, what does Philip ask? Ans: Philip asks if Joseph will say goodbye before he leaves.Q9. What is the main idea of this text? What happened after the Senate voted 73-27 in favor of the Civil Rights Act? Ans: CQ3. May 7, 2021 February 9, 2021 by Peptides Bodybuilding. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: C, Q1. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: DQ6. The title of this text is Groundhog Day. Based on the information in the text, what is Groundhog Day? Ans: BQ5. Evaluate the effectiveness of Tecumsehs political leadership Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Long ago, farmers used windmills to pump water and make flour. Support your answer with evidence from the passage Ans: Students may respond that many species of migratory birds dependent on the wetlands would go extinct. Is breaking stuff helpful or harmful? Use information from the passage to support your answer Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Support your answer using information from the passage. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the text. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. By 1971, there were 13 Black members of the House and one Black member of the Senate. How can a jeweler determine what type of metal something is? Ans: A jeweler can determine what type of metal something is by finding the minimum temperature needed to melt the metal, as metals are chemical elements with predictable melting points.Q9. Below you can find answers for Grade K topics: Q1. What did the seven continents use to be a part of? Ans: The seven continents used to be a part of one huge chunk of land.Q6. Eventually, the host tree often dies because of a lack of nutrients and sunlight.Q10. What is this text mostly about? Ans: CQ6. focused on strengthening her quadriceps, hamstrings, and core muscles. According to the text, what is the success or failure of education closely tied to? Ans:Q9. Based on the text, what will likely happen if you send a thousand dollars to strangers who say they need it in order to send you a million dollars? Ans: If you send a thousand dollars to strangers who say they need it to send you a million dollars, you will never get a million dollars or your money back.Q9. The more waves we can access, the more access we have to the information that these waves provide. Read the short story. Meteors can be very destructive; it is important that we know how to prepare for one so that we might be able to save lives and limit the damage. : Ans: CQ7. Skeletal muscles are also the only muscles that you can move by thinking about them. Q1. What, do you think, is the dark blue blanket that covers the moon? For example, students may note that going to a baseball game with Jordan had been a disaster. Jordan had wanted to talk the whole time, while Sam had not. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. How does the author describe Earth? Ans: DQ3. Why does Ginas grandmother come to visit Ginas family all the way from Korea? For example: The Voting Rights Act may be considered among the most farreaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history because it vastly improved voter turnout and gave African American voters the legal means to challenge voting restrictions. Why did various governments decide to work together to build the ISS? Ans: Various governments decided to work together to build the ISS so that they could split the cost of constructing a space station and share resources while onboard the station.Q10. Choose the answer that best completes the statement below.DeAndre Arnold faced discrimination for his hairstyle at school, but _, he got to celebrate African American hairstyles by walking the red carpet for the movie Hair Love. For the Eyewitness to History Contest, readers were asked to interview people who have witnessed historic events. They might point out that these veterans are parents, children, grandparents, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and an important part of their communities. _, humankind has given itself unique powers for collecting information about the world. Use information from the text to support your answer Ans: George Washington was one of the most important figures in the American Revolutionary War. Philip asks his brother if he will say goodbye before he leaves town; _, Joseph simply laughs and does not answer the question. Ans: AQ8. Ans: Answers could include: students have filed legal complaints against their schools by partnering with legal organizations, or students have withdrawn from their schools out of protest.Q10. Ans: Smaller, cheaper transistors could change the way medicine works because smaller transistors could be eaten in a pill or injected, and then could repair damaged cells from the inside of our bodies. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: BQ3. Then, click on the "Question Set" tab. Read the following sentences from the text. Based on the repeated phrase, see if I care, what conclusion can you make about the narrator? Ans: DQ5. The Plymouth colonists had strong religious beliefs. Featured Support Topics Log-In & Password Issues I lost the class code. Identify two important events in the history of the woman suffrage movement prior to the passing of the 19th Amendment. Ans:Q3. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: CQ6. Who was George Washington? Ans: CQ2. Why might the author have chosen to share all three interviews instead of focusing on only one? Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Ans: BQ4. Ans: CQ4. Ans: CQ3. Q1. All of this suggests that Abraham was able to become a successful member of the group, even if he never became a lead alpha male.Q9. What is James Madison mostly about? Ans: CQ5. Below you can find answers for Grade 3 topics: Q1. Kings high profile helped to draw international attention to Selma as did the televised violence against the protesters and President Lyndon Johnsons support. My email has bounced! What kind of houses are Chickees? Ans: AQ4. This happened to Anita R., a 10-year-old soccer player from New York . Sojourner Truth. George Washington stopped being president of America before he died. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. That way, she would want to watch baseball games just as intently as Sam, so if they do indeed attend more games together, he would not have to divide his attention between her and the events of the game. 1207 kb/s. They dance with her at night, and he fills up her tub while showing the guests out the door.Q10. Make sure to analyze how this factor has impacted the evolution of American education Ans: Q1. To view the answer keys, you must be a verified teacher. The quadriceps are four large muscles at the front of the thigh. Q1. Students may also explain that most of the Earths freshwater is frozen in glaciers and ice caps and not accessible to humans. What is one way that students who have been discriminated against are standing up for their rights? Move Your Muscles Readworks Answer Key | added by users. ReadWorks Answer Key - Grade K Below you can find answers for Grade K topics: Twin Tricks Q1. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. This gives a clearer picture of the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.Transvaginal Ultrasound (Endovaginal Ultrasound).A pelvic ultrasound is a scan that looks at the organs and structures in your pelvic area.Ultrasound uses a device called a transducer to send out sound waves that are too high to be tb-500 nasal spray TB 500 Dosage For Excellent Results. What information from the passage supports this statement? Ans: BQ4. Use evidence from the text to explain your reasons for dividing the poem in the manner you choose. Question 3. In fact, without the help of the Wampanoag, it is likely that none of the colonists would have survived. Ans: DQ4. The first interview shows what it was like for a Jewish girl living in Germany, the second interview shows what it was like to be living in London for the Blitz, and the third interview describes how even life in Germany for people who werent Jewish was not easy during the war. What word could replace the word even without changing the meaning of the sentence? SARMs TO LOSE FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE MASS; HGH Fragment 176-191 Weight Loss Results; Gut Inflammation Capsules-BPC-157 Arginate, KPV, PEA, Tributyrin;; Use Ocean Nasal Spray (sodium chloride nasal) as ordered by your doctor.Read all information given to you. Being part of a group is an effect. Magnets are objects that produce an area of magnetic force called a magnetic field. So match challenge articles with your students' interests. Self-Test 1 Write the letter from the right hand column that matches the scripture on the left. Choose the word that best completes the sentencespace debris can damage satellites, _ scientists are trying to get rid of it Ans: C, Q1. In your answer, be sure to explain why you would choose this information to share Ans: Suggested answer: Answers may vary. As used in the passage, what does the word inhale mean? Ans: CQ7. Support your answer using evidence from the text Ans: Q1. 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